
Jaw chuck B-Top



一如我們其他的產品,B-TOP的的夾具設計同樣讓您擁有最大的生產彈性。高效率的爪楔齒條機賦予夾具高重覆精度的快換爪特性。內孔的襯套系統亦多有助益, 它使夾具可輕易變換,以符合工作上的需求:推桿機構關閉、噴嘴或是搭配各式的止動器,完全符合工作上的需求。工作上若有更高的需求, B - T O P 3 夾具可簡易替換搭配成內孔夾持或S P A N N T O P系統的外徑夾持。全系統符合H A I N B U C H模組化夾具設計,無需拆解夾具本身。


  • 通孔襯套或止動器軸套,可由前方更換。
  • 獨特的解鎖設計,可快速換爪兼具高替換精度。
  • 換爪時間短,操作安全性高。
  • 可靠的爪楔齒條機構。



High flexibility in small quantities

Fast jaw change with quick change design and high repeatability – that is what makes the B-Top jaw chuck product line so flexible. Particularly for small lot sizes. Thus in most cases machining the chuck jaw to size is unnecessary.

Flexibility with system

Also the insert bushing system is configured for small lot sizes and maximum flexibility. It enables clamping devices to be conveniently adapted to your requirement: Closed with ejector, spray nozzles, or with variable end-stop. Just the way you need it.

Key advantages

  • Large through-bore with passage bushings or end-stop bushings that can be changed from the front
  • Fast jaw change with individual unlocking at high change-over accuracy and suitable for the »Reishauer« system, straight gear cutting
  • High degree of operator safety with minimum change-over time
  • Proven wedge rod mechanism
